Super Mouse's Bulge
"The "Cartoon" collection features a series of artworks in which MLH depicts his favourite TV cartoons from his childhood. The layered and faded effects applied to the images evoke memories that have been eroded by time, much like frescos. He now looks back at his childhood with nostalgia and mixed with a feeling of incredulity. Memories are fixed pictural frames that keep shifting with our experience. They are ever mutating and reinterpreted at will in the present. How can we than be sure of who we are?Mighty Mouse is a beloved animated TV series that first aired in 1942. The show follows the adventures of a heroic mouse with incredible strength, speed, and the ability to fly. Mighty Mouse fights against a range of villains, from cats to robots, to protect his fellow animal friends and uphold justice. The show continues to hold a special place in the hearts of many viewers as a nostalgic and entertaining piece of animation history. The cartoon introduced innovative animation techniques, such as the use of synchro-vox, which allowed for the lip movements of human actors to be superimposed onto animated characters.
Framing & Certificate
We professionally print on demand with a 11-colour pigment ink Giclee printer on the finest quality paper available in the market, a heavy 310 GSM Hahnemühle German Etching Paper, which has a textured surface resulting in deep blacks, rich colours, and high contrast. The paper archival durability is over 80 years if not exposed to direct sunlight. Our prints are available in four sizes S-M-L-XL. The white margin protects the printed area and simplify framing. We do not offer framing services as yet.